Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Short Story: Through the Years

Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) likes to run short, 250-word stories in each weekend's bulletin to tie in with the sermon or events happening within the church. The approximate bulletin count is 9,500 every weekend.

Through the Years

When divorce is rampant and hanging through the hard times isn’t appealing, how do couples survive? And not just survive, but how do they thrive? CCV Members David and Lori Andresen can affirm that loving Christ first and foremost and then loving each other has helped keep their marriage intact through the years.

“We met and dated our senior year in high school. We committed our relationship to God immediately. It was very important to both of us to remain pure until our wedding night. And we believe God has honored that commitment time and time again,” Lori explains. “Through the trials over the years, raising three children, and welcoming two sons-in-law, my love and respect for David is as fresh as it was the day we fell in love, only because God is the center of our life.”

Getting married at a young age, when they were only 18 and 19 years old, created many extra struggles in itself. “But through the good and the bad, we wanted to grow up together and it worked. We believe God honors and blesses our marriage and family if we keep Him first.”

David testifies, “When I got married, my prayer was to be the man of God and best husband that I could be. I have failed many times, but I will never stop ceasing and praying to be that Godly spiritual leader and husband that Christ requires me to be!”

On May 12, David and Lori will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary in Italy. They believe this accomplishment is only possible by the grace of God and their unconditional love and complete commitment to each other.

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