Friday, February 13, 2009

Short Story: Wrong Number, Right Connection

Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) likes to run short, 250-word stories in each weekend's bulletin to tie in with the sermon or events happening within the church. The approximate bulletin count is 7,200 every weekend.

Wrong Number, Right Connection
Dave and Sybil Eberhart, longtime CCV members and volunteer ushers, were faithfully volunteering at the recent calling campaign to get people connected into neighborhood groups. Each volunteer was asked to call 32 different families. Sybil happened to call 33 families because of a simple mistake of misdialing.

That simple mistake was actually a divine phone call. “I must have misdialed a number because once I took off explaining over the phone about our wonderful neighborhood groups available in Surprise, the lady started to chuckle. She then asked me what number I was trying to dial and politely informed me that I was way off, but that she wanted to hear more about CCV and the neighborhood groups in her area,” explains Sybil.

“So I gave her the full pitch. She then said, ‘Do you believe in a God-appointed call?’ I said ‘yes' and then she shared that she and her husband had been praying about finding a vibrant church with a small group ministry and a great youth program for their son who is in high school.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, Dave and Sybil met up with the new couple for a cup of coffee and sat with them in the weekend service. “We have been so blessed by the connection that happened with this precious family who was so hungry for a church home,” said Sybil.

This story reminds us all to make the most out of every opportunity that comes our way. Sybil’s willingness to go out of her way to get someone connected to God is priceless.

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